In this video Workshop, period furniture maker Philip C. Lowe shows you how to build a traditional Queen Anne Lowboy, the ideal project for advancing intermediate woodworking skills. Despite its complex appearance, the Queen Anne Lowboy is the perfect vehicle for intermediate woodworkers looking for a challenge. You’ll master techniques for classic case construction, traditional joinery, cabriole legs, period fan carving, and much more.
Produced by: Ed Pirnik; Video by: Gary Junken; Editing by: Tom Olivares
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Videos in the Series
Introduction: Queen Anne LowboyDecember 4, 2014
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Episode 1: Cabriole LegsDecember 4, 2014
Episode 2: Tenons and DovetailsDecember 4, 2014
Episode 3: Runners, Kickers, and Glue-UpDecember 4, 2014
Episode 4: Final Glue-UpDecember 4, 2014
Episode 5: Drop Finials and TabletopDecember 4, 2014
Episode 6: Period Fan CarvingDecember 4, 2014
Episode 7: Dovetailed Drawers Video WorkshopDecember 4, 2014
Episode 8: Surface Prep and Final FinishDecember 4, 2014